The causes of stress have changed and developed through evolution, yet the bodily response to external pressures and threats has not. When the mind perceives Read more…
Category Archives: Stress
Stress can be the physical and emotional changes that occur in the body in response to a stressor or external pressure. There are however a Read more…
The term stress has been subjected to numerous definitions and therefore the understanding of what exactly stress is, is somewhat confused. One of the earliest Read more…
As Hans Selye wrote, ‘Without stress, there would be no life’, it has also been argued that distress can cause disease while stress can sometimes Read more…
People respond to different levels and specific types of stress differently. Something that may be stressful for one person may not cause problems for another. Read more…
A combination of long hours, demanding colleagues, a difficult boss and a lack of gratitude are all common contributing factors to workplace stress. Workplace stress Read more…
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) When a person experiences stress, the brain responds by initiating 1,400 different responses including the dumping of a variety of chemicals Read more…
There are many causes of stress. Some are external pressures such as a high profile job while others are internal such as anxiety to be Read more…
During a fight or flight response the body automatically prepares itself to fight or flee a threatening situation. The threatening information enters the brain through Read more…
Major life events that occur in an individual’s lifetime such as death of a loved one, pregnancy, divorce or redundancy all cause stress. Stress, if Read more…