What will Mindfulness do for me?

Modern psychology and subsequently government health departments have now recognised the profound healing brought about through awareness. A huge bank of studies have been built up in recent years, confirming how mindfulness practice can provide non-toxic means of addressing and treating symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, addiction and insomnia. Growing research has also examined the positive effect Mindfulness can have on the psychological impact of chronic physical diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer to name but a few.

Mindfulness has such ‘healing powers’ simply because emotional and psychological suffering arises from the automatic unconscious reactions and routines. For example, someone who is feeling anxious may self-treat or calm themselves down by smoking, or turn to alcohol to numb unpleasant emotions ‘automatically’.

Mindfulness enables a person to take control of their own emotional and physical wellbeing, to become mindfully aware of patterns and reaction, therefore providing them with the power to choose how to response rather than just react.

This process can not only have a positive impact on emotional wellbeing but can also enhance relationships and even physical health such as lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels and generally improving quality of life.

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