According to new guidelines published in the New England Journal of Medicine drugs prescribed to children and young adults diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD do not have a negative impact on their hearts which was previously believed to be the case.
Children with ADHD show symptoms of being highly energetic and are unable to partake in activities that require focused attention for extended periods of time. The study that was sponsored by Food and Drugs Administrations (FDA), suggests there is nothing for parents to worry about as there was no association found between cardiovascular problems and ADHD drugs.
The study included over a million children and young people between the ages of 2 and 24, 400,000 participants were taking drugs including amphetamine products and methylphenidate (Ritalin), atomoxetine, and pemoline to control the symptoms of ADHD and only 7 of these people were said to have severe heart problems.
As the FDA is the corporation that also make money from the development and sale of these drugs it is hardly surprising that the outcome of this ‘independent’ study is encouraging their use.
Medication is not the only way to treat symptoms of ADHD; mindfulness, exercise, parental training, emotional freedom technique and other holistic therapies are now starting to be acknowledged and are being used with significant results and due to their natural non-invasive nature can only enhance wellbeing and quality of life for sufferers and carers alike.