Alarming rates of stress, anxiety and depression amonst the young

What sort of society are we in the UK developing into when we consider the following findings from a survey from the Prince’s Trust.

A survey of more than 2,000 young people aged 16-25 was carried out by YouGov for the Prince’s Trust Youth Index study

Some of the report findings are:-

10% of the young people felt that life was meaningless compared to more than 20% of young people not in work, employment, education or training
Almost half said they were regularly stressed.
27% of young people in this age range surveyed claim to be depressed always or often.

Stress, anxiety and depression are set to further increase as the ecomonic depression becomes a reality, with high levels of unemployment, lack of opportunity, lack of disposable cash and the constant exposure to the “reality TV” senarios of human beings being slaughtered in the name of democracy, religion and the fight for dewindling resources around the world.

Meditation, particularly Mindfulness and Sound (Mantra Meditation) has been shown in over 600 studies to reduce stress, blood pressure, pain, panic attacks, anxiety, severe depression, increase immunity, wound healing and even impact diseases such as Parkinsons and Stroke.

Instead of dealing with the causes of stress, anxiety and depression, the current treatments are merely dealing with the symptons of these mental illnesses. The cause of such mental illnesses is our mind, lack of adequate self-psychological education means that we don’t understand that our thoughts create our emotions, and in turn our emotions feed our thoughts. My leanding to “see or witness” our thoughts, we quickly learn to recognise unhealth thoughts which lead to unhealth emotions of anger, jealously, resentment, anxiety and their associated emotions too.


Symran (by Dav Panesar)

Mindfulness (by Dav Panesar)

Victim to creator (by Dav Panesar)

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