Scientists in the US are getting closer to being able to prove that meditation and yoga can be effectively used to keep people clear of disease and stress .
Bloomberg reports that the team from Harvard Medical School are part-way through a five-year study into the issue, specifically focusing on how the practice makes a difference to those diagnosed as being chronically stressed.
The research is different from similar projects in the past which have relied on questionnaires and heart rate monitoring to gain an insight as experts have been able to turn to genomics and brain-imaging technology to help give them real detail into how yoga affects a person’s physiological state.
John Denninger, who has been leading the study, has already revealed that he believes there is “a true biological effect”.
He said: “The kinds of things that happen when you meditate do have effects throughout the body, not just in the brain.”
It is hoped that, eventually, the findings of the project will encourage medical professionals to pursue alternative methods when it comes to helping patients deal with stress.