Household instability found to raise profile of stress hormone

A look at the mental health of low income children in the US found that family instability and an emotional gap between the children and their mother seemed to lead to higher levels of stress hormones and learning delays throughout life.

Cortisol, a hormone closely tied with stress, which is released when people are put under pressure or are struggling to cope, was gauged in regards to the cognitive abilities of children in poverty.

Insensitive parenting and an unstable family life were found to be predictors of a child’s cortisol profile, an even stronger predictor than others that we would assume would be stronger, such as domestic abuse. The lead author, a student in clinical psychology at the University of Rochester, Jennifer Suor, said: “Extensive research has shown that many low-income children face a variety of social stressors, such as chaotic and unpredictable family environments and problematic parenting practices as economic hardship is known to place considerable burden on the family system.”

201 low income mothers with two year old children participated in the study, all of whom were below the federal poverty line in and around New York.

The parents were monitored interacting with their children, and were assessed for different factors, such as emotional availability.

Then, over the next three years, the researchers collected two saliva samples per year from the children and generated a cortisol profile from them.

Those children with the highest and lowest cortisol levels tended to have poorer mental functioning at age four, but critically, also had more insensitive interactions with their mothers.

It shows the effect that stress can have even during childhood, and that it can affect us throughout life.

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