Does it not surprise the general population that while the Government generously bailed out the Banks who have created the recession, yet have failed at every turn to help those tax payers, who’s money has been used to bail out the corporate friends of our politicians?
Fear, can be health, but prolonged fear leads to stress which over time will inevitably lead to physical and mental illness . Consider how fear is being generated over the past two or three weeks.
1. Notice how all politicians are yet to admit that there is a recession, even though each and everyone one of us is experiencing a significant difference in our day to day living.
2. The sudden release of a 22% increase in the most violent crime figures. An “error” of under reporting violent crimes by all the Police force in the UK.
3. The very real fear of losing jobs, especially following a £37Bn bail out for the banks, yet their response to the small businesses is “the British Bankers’ Association, the industry group, said “commercial realities” made it “inevitable that some businesses will not survive” the recession, yet these same commercial realities do not apply to them!
4. The looming “terrorist” threat is always there in the background to pick up momentum whenever people feel life is getting somewhat back to “normal”.
During periods of stress and fear, most people are too distracted to see the reality around them, this very fact has been an essential element as to why meditation is so effective, it enables you to “see” or witness your experiences in an attitude of acceptance and detachment, therefore leading to a more clearer insight and decision making process.
Mindfulness (by Dav Panesar)
Symran (by Dav Panesar)
Transforming emotions from victim to creator (by Dav Panesar)