Most of the UK population is in a state of shock and outrage at the exposure of their Members of Parliament have been ripping off ordinary people as they lose their jobs, their homes and even their health from the stress of the current economic recession .
Undirected and repressed anger has been demonstrated to be destructive to our health, manifesting as unsynchronised patterns between our heartbeats and brain waves, increase in hormonal levels and changes in perception and behaviour.
What the UK population is feeling is “healthy and justifiable anger” at the blatant theft from hard working individuals many of whom are just managing to make ends meet, while the greedy parasitic politicians are feeding on the life force of their “hosts”.
There is always a danger of increasing the risk if we feel we cannot do anything about the events that gave rise to such emotions and feelings . The good news is that in the case there is something that can be done. Every voter has the right to sack their MP’s, it is clear that this greed and arrogance is prevalent in all parties There are a number of strategies to heal anger. The first action would be to make a decision to sack your “employee” who have been caught stealing from you, the taxpayer, while the thieves have also been using your and your children’s money to bail out their buddies in banks . The second strategy is to enable the hormonal and incoherence brainwave patterns to return to their healthy state. For this, simple meditation exercises have been shown to address this.
You are now powerless, you have the power to heal yourself and the power to effectively and decisively deal with theft.
Meditation (by Dav Panesar)
Mindfulness (by Dav Panesar)
Symran (by Dav Panesar)
Emotion victim to creator (by Dav Panesar)