Literally pulling your hair out

The hair on our heads shows a significant amount of information on the state of our health, wellbeing and whether or not our bodies are balanced.

When someone is both physically and emotionally healthy, their hair will be glossy and radiant and their scalp moist. However, when a person is physically ill or emotionally disturbed, their hair will correspondingly be lifeless, dull and their scalp will become oily or produce dandruff due to the excessive activation of traumatised sebaceous glands and their hair will fall out.

Hair loss has generally been associated with our genes however a recent study commissioned by the Korean Hair Research Society, has reported that far from hereditary influences stress and a poor diet are the fundamental cause of hair loss.

The study which included 1,220 patients from 13 university hospitals in Korea examined both genetics and psychosocial factors in hair loss patients. The researchers reported that 47.9 percent of women and 41.8 percent of men said they are the only member of their immediate family who suffer from hair loss.

The conclusions of the study were that stress and an unhealthy diet rather than genetics were both a fundamental cause of hair loss in people younger than 30. Inadequate stress management and becoming overwhelmed by every day pressures adds to the problem as often stressed individuals feel they don’t have time to exercise, they have irregular sleeping patterns and they eat fast food on the go.

A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine reported that participants, who were assigned to an hour yoga session per day, reported having improved energy levels, fell to sleep easier and had a more concentrated mind. This suggests that yoga as a holistic approach to coping with the stresses and strains of everyday life could have added benefits of inhibiting hair loss.

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