According to a new study published in the Journal of Child and Family Studies. Children and parents who were taught Mindfulness Meditation saw a significant reduction in parent-rated ADHD behaviour as well as improving the stress levels and reactivity to their children’s behaviour.
It has been understood in the last few days that often parental styles change if a child is diagnosed or suffering with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a behaviour disorder marked by impulsivity, lack of concentration and often symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) including anger, aggression and stubbornness.
Mindfulness meditation is a process of clearing the mind of thoughts and judgements by focusing attention on the breath. This has previously been shown in clinical research to aid concentration, focus and productivity.
This research examined whether teaching children with ADHD aged between 8 and 12 as well as their parents whether this could help with symptoms of ADHD.
Parents reported that their behaviour towards their children has significantly changed as a result of mindfulness training. Specific changes in stress levels were seen they also reported being better able to respond to their children’s behaviour rather than mindlessly react. Additionally, parents reported their children’s behaviour had positively improved as a result of the mindfulness training though this wasn’t supported by teacher observations.
This study therefore suggests that mindfulness may be of most benefit to parents to improve their wellbeing and their relationships with their child’s ADHD.