First Lady Michelle Obama is to implement yoga into her exercise regime.
In an interview with People magazine, the US president’s wife revealed she is adopting the practice as she turns 50 today (January 17th).
She said: “I’m seeing myself shift from weight-bearing stuff – even though that continues to be important – and the heavy cardio and running, to things like yoga that will keep me flexible.”
Mrs Obama added that she wanted to ensure she focused on balance and flexibility “so that I’m not falling and breaking a hip one day”.
She also did not rule out the option of plastic surgery later on in her life, adding that women should have the freedom to do whatever they so wish to feel good about themselves.
On the topic of healthy eating, Mrs Obama mentioned she was not obsessive over it, but liked to make sure she ate fruit and vegetables.
It is rumoured the president is planning a big dance party to celebrate his wife’s landmark birthday.