Naked yoga classes for both sexes in New York

Co-educational naked yoga classes have started in New York.

The vinyasa yoga sessions at the Bold and Naked studio in Chelsea are designed for both men and women, and are meant to be a new way to celebrate your body without being sexually evocative.

Yoga frequently involves body-to-body contact, but the studio insists that none of this is meant to be sexual touching – and if any such behaviour is identified, the offending person(s) will be asked to leave and banned from subsequent sessions.

The FAQ section on the website states: “While many equate being naked with sex, this couldn’t be further from the truth in a naked yoga class. It’s about being comfortable in your own skin and the amazing confidence that comes with it.”

It adds that practising yoga naked frees you from negative feelings about your body, enabling you to be more deeply connected with both yourself and the world around you.

No photography is permitted and students must sign a liability waiver before entering. Alternatively, sessions are offered which are gender-segregated, as well as fully-clothed classes.

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