According to a new study there are more children suffering from depression than previously recorded. New research has suggested that children are becoming depressed as a result of their parents suffering from greater levels of stress.
Research conducted in Western Australia, surveyed 1000 children. It was reported that parental stress directly impacts a child mental wellbeing. It was reported that children under the age of five haven’t developed the ability to rationalise the events and emotions going on around them. This is particularly destructive if the child’s primary care givers are stressed.
There are a number of causes of stress which can lead problems in children. If a child is constantly subjected to stress whether it is self-generated or detected second hand from parents, their bodies are over run with stress hormones which can lead to problems with digestion, memory, behaviour problems. In the long term, mental and physical health problems such as depression, anxiety, obesity and food intolerances may arise.
The researchers also reported that over exposure to electronic equipment including TV, games consoles and computers can add to the problem as it disengages them from the natural world around them.
Mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress and improve mental and physical wellbeing for children and parents. Mindfulness is a form of awareness; it teaches individuals how to live in the present moment rather than worrying about past experiences or potential future events.
Click here for a complete list of the Mindfulness courses currently on offer.