Predatory Capitalism and mind control risks total collapse

If we care to take a moment out of the “automatic pilot” mode and consider what is happening around us, we have decide to change our priorities in light of our rapidly changing and deteriorating environment, economy, personal security and politics.

When have we known volcanic ash to disrupt flights, a series of earthquakes measuring 7+ on the Richter scale, the very visible weather changes underway right now, collapsing countries or the possibility of a hung parliament?

However, while almost every system around us is in a state of collapse , the main stream media is busy pushing its propaganda and distracting the population to keep the illusion of “all is well” going.

Greece provides us with a snapshot of what to expect once the elections are over in the UK, coupled with food shortages as a result of changing weather patterns, poisoned oceans and hyper inflation. Stress levels based on job insecurities, rapidly increasing cost of living, violent protests, terrorist threats and travel disruption are piling on day-by-day and reaching unprecedented levels and are sure to increase even more!

The riots in Greece show what happens to a society when a country collapses, Britain is not far behind as are many other EU countries. The revolution by ordinary citizens against Government started in Thailand and Greece is set to become a worldwide revolt by summer 2010, leading to a collapse of the EU as we know it today and massive changes to “wealth” and realisation of the destructive and predatory nature of capitalism .

Stress impacts our mental, emotional and physical health . Meditation is the only proven method that helps us regain control of our lives, reduce stress, help us recognise our habitual mental patterns of behaviour and provides a peace of mind .


Mindfulness (by Dav Panesar)

Symran (by Dav Panesar)

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