Silence in the class room boosts results, esteem and behaviour

In a new book ‘Silence in Schools’ due to be published next year, having times of silence and encouraging children to keep noise to a minimum can have profound effects on pupils exam results, self-esteem and behaviour.

Enforced silence can often be perceived as a suppression of a child’s natural expression and nature and is frequently used as a punishment rather than an opportunity to enjoy some peace and tranquillity. However, it has been reported that intentional silence and mental stillness generates a stress free environment that aids focus and reflection has a significant effect on pupils’ concentration, wellbeing and behaviour.

This isn’t the first type of research of its kind; 10 years ago a study conducted by the Institute of Education, concluded that exam performance was cut by a third for children who were taught in noisy classrooms.

There are a number of schools around the UK that are already incorporating periods of reflective silence into the timetable. Additionally some schools have started teaching pupils’ meditation and mindfulness techniques. Reports suggest that this is aiding sleep, improving attendance rates and particularly disruptive children are calmer and more focused and ready to learn.

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