According to a new study, when people are stressed but continue to smile, they are better able to cope, less likely to become ill and even improve their moods.
Researchers at the University of Kansas recruited 169 students to participate in anxiety induced tasks. Tasks included plunging their hands in to ice cold water. The students were assigned to one of three conditions, non-smiling, smiling instructions and biting on chopsticks while completing the task which was intended to engage the smiling muscles in the face.
The phrase ‘grin and bear it’ is an age old saying but now, there is evidence to suggest that smiling isn’t just a facial expression indicating happiness. The research has reported that smiling could have significant stress relieving qualities.
It was concluded that individuals who had a smile on their face while completing the stress and anxiety inducing tasks were significantly less stressed than those with neutral facial expressions or those in the non-smiling condition.
This latest research builds on the findings from other studies that have examined the ‘Botox effect’. One study published in the journal Psychological Science found that if muscles that are required to frown were blocked by Botox, individuals took longer to register negative emotions.
So next time you are in a situation and your told to grin and bear it, maybe take that advice onboard!