Stress kills Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson has died after suffering a cardiac arrest . Michael was 50 years old and planning to make a come back in 2009, with 50 concerts organised in the UK.

Sources including his friends like Uri Geller are all indicating that Michael was highly anxious about his comeback and the gruelling tour dates and the stress contributed to this death.

Stress, anxiety and worry have been shown to give rise to coronary heart disease . In particular, hostility, anger and aggression have all been shown as psychological risk factors for heart disease. Hostile people are prone to mistrust and cynical attitude which may contribute to bouts of anger and related behaviour. A five minutes burst of anger has been shown to impact our immune system for up to 6 hours.

In recent years oxidative DNA damage has been identified as a risk factor for coronary heart disease, and stress, especially work-related stress has been linked to DNA damage, although the evidence is limited due to the small number of studies focusing on stress and oxidative DNA.

The death of Michael Jackson will give rise to significant emotional stress to many people around the world. The wave of emotional stress can be beneficial in terms of releasing pent-up emotions, but can equally increase existing levels of stress.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction programmes are a structured group program that employs mindfulness meditation to alleviate suffering associated with physical, psychosomatic and psychiatric disorders. The program, non-religious and non-esoteric, is based upon a systematic procedure to develop enhanced awareness of moment-to-moment experience of perceptible mental processes. Mindfulness and Symran programmes reduce negative affect and improve vitality and coping.


Mindfulness (by Dav Panesar)

Symran (by Dav Panesar)

Victim to Creator (by Dav Panesar)

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