Unemployed young people feel depressed often

According to the results of a recent survey, young people who are not employed, in training or education known as NEET, are significantly more likely to feel depressed often or always when compared to their peers.

2,136 people aged between 16 and 25 were interviewed to establish a snapshot of young people’s wellbeing across a range of areas from family life to physical health.

The results suggested that young people who were out of work reported being unable to cope with their everyday lives and said that they were depressed often or always with the way things were in every area of their lives.

The report which was undertaken by The Prince’s Trust found that an alarming number of people that are not employed are also lacking an adequate support network which means that being out of work quickly leads to doubting their self worth, confidence and they become depressed with overwhelming feelings of hopelessness.

With recent record levels of youth unemployment it is now critical that there is support in place for unemployed young people to have somewhere to turn such as charities like The Prince’s Trust. It is also important that there is something for them provided by the government that helps them get onto apprentice schemes or partake in volunteering to help prevent the down ward spiral of demoralising unemployment and ultimately depression.

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