Vitamin C can lower blood pressure

In a review of over 29 research studies, vitamin C can lower blood pressure. 1,400 adults aged 22 to 74 were part of the review in order to establish how vitamin C and in what quantities can have an impact on blood pressure.

High blood pressure can have a number of causes, predominantly, high stress levels, a diet high in salt and alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle and poor sleeping habits. Numerous studies have found that having high blood pressure can cause a number of problems particularly with the cardiovascular system including heart disease and heart attack. Additionally high blood pressure has been linked to terminal illnesses such as dementia, stroke and diabetes.

This latest review has concluded that individuals with high blood pressure who take a supplement of vitamin C at a dose of 500 milligrams a day saw a reduction in their systolic blood pressure by up to 4 points and diastolic pressure by approximately 1.5 points in about two months.

There are a number of recommended treatments for lowering blood pressure, gentle exercise such as yoga or Tai Chi, reducing salt intake, increasing dietary intake of vitamin C including the consumption of foods such as red pepper, oranges, and kiwi. Additionally, meditating daily particularly Mindfulness meditation has been clinically proven to lower blood pressure and stress levels and improve general quality of life.

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