Warning to Lehman Brother employees, sudden job losses may increase cancer risk

A recent study has found that stressful life events such as sudden death of loved one, unexpected job losses such as those faced by people working for the bank Lehman Brothers when it filed for bankruptcy today, such events have been found to increase severe stress which tends to lead to a significantly greater danger of diseases like cancer .

Recent research found women who faced 2 or 3 extremely stressful situations in a short time had a 62% increased risk of breast cancer .

In the coming weeks, and months many people will be faced with sudden changes in their economic circumstances as the economic collapse continues to weave its way through the world. Loss of employment is one of the most stressful events, apart from death of a loved one, divorce or child illness.

The effect of stress is not just confined to an individual, but also partners, children, family, friends and even pets . Unchecked stress can easy lead one into increasing anxiety, mood swings and depression, over and above the physical illnesses such as heart disease, cancers, skin rashes and high blood pressure.

It is impetrative for those who find themselves in stressful situation to find adequate means to controlling unproductive stress, or helping those who are faced with such life events with appropriate coping strategies.

Meditation offers probably the best method for not just stress management, but also improvement in mental health, which will inevitably impact on physical health, relationships and motivation.


Mindfulness (by Dav Panesar)

Symran (by Dav Panesar)

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