Qi Gong involves becoming aware of the movement of the breath synchronised with the repetition of fluid exercises with a calm mindful state of being.
Qi Gong is practiced around the world, it is considered by some to be a form or exercise while others see it as a form of alternative medicine or a meditation practice. However it is packaged, it has been known to balance qi or chi which is translated as life force, this is the energy within our body that flows through the meridians.
Angie Diaz has made a series of Qi Kong videos that can be used as a basis to get a feel for what Qi Kong is, and can be used for basic daily chi gung practice. Click on a video on the right to watch.
Research on Qi Gong
There are some empirical studies of Qi Gong in clinical settings. Researchers at the University of Sydney have researched the use of Qi Gong as a complimentary therapy for cancer patients alongside the usual cancer treatment.
The researchers examined the impact Qi Gong had on their mood, levels of fatigue, quality of life and if it had any impact on their cancer recovery.
It was concluded that Qi Gong training alongside traditional cancer therapy medical Qi Kong has been shown to improve quality of life, mood and were reported as feeling less fatigued and significantly less inflammation throughout the body.
Research has also found that Qi Gong can help reduce the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.