Diagnosing Stress

How stress affects the body

There is a growing body of research and scientific investigations establishing the exact effect stress has on the body…

Diagnosing stress

Through an examination of the fight and flight response, during a period of stress the functions and processes within the body that are unnecessary to deal with…

How does stress affect mental and emotional wellbeing?

Stress has been shown to have an impact on mental health and emotional…

High blood pressure, stroke and heart disease

During times of stress, whether it is mental or physical the body reacts in the same way…

Emotional eating

At times of stress, it is often the case that a person will divert the emotional pressures of their stressful situation to things that will provide them with comfort…

Hair loss

Despite the age old saying ‘pulling my hair out‘ it has only been relatively recently the scientific study has reported that hair loss is…


Stress can cause any number of changes in sleep patterns from not being able to get to sleep to disturbed sleep or waking up too early…

Cognitive impairment and mental overload

At times of stress people often feel over whelmed and inundated with pressure, deadlines, numerous people..

Sexual dysfunction

During a stress response, non-essential bodily functions either slow down or stop in order that the energy is available required to fuel…

Stress and memory

People who are stressed often show decreased productivity, have trouble making decisions and memory problems…

Weight gain and weight loss

During a stress reaction, the digestive system is restricted. The energy normally required to function the digestive…

Psychosomatic and psychophysical symptoms of stress

‘Psychosomatic’refers to physical symptoms that arise as a direct result of thoughts, emotions, mental states and

Signs, symptoms and effects of stress

Exposure to stress on a long-term basis can be debilitating both physically and mentally…


When a person is chronically stressed, they are at an increased risk of suffering from anxiety and anxiety related symptoms…

Muscle ache and back problems

Stressed individuals will experience extreme muscle tension particularly across the upper back between…

Burnout and Diabetes

Research from the European Depression in Diabetes (EDID) Research Consortium have reported that general emotional stress, anxiety, sleeping problems, anger,


Something that may cause anger in one person may not in another. Additionally, anger may manifest itself differently in different individuals.

Decision Making Under Stress

The greater the stress, the greater the likelihood that a decision-maker will choose a risky alternative. During crisis, the ability of a group to


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