Behaviour Therapy is recommended to help a child or adult diagnosed with ADHD cope with the condition. Behaviour therapy includes creating routine and organising day to day activities and the household environment to limit the amount of attention that is required to undertake each task. For example, the school bag will be packed and placed in the same place each day to minimise belongings getting misplaced, alleviate confrontation and emotions such as anger and frustration while getting ready for school. Additionally, behaviour therapy encourages caregivers to interact with ADHD sufferers in easy to understand, brief and precise manors in attempts to minimise confusion and aid effective communication.
Behaviour therapy encourages the use of goals and rewards to promote positive behaviours. The importance of achievable goals is said to be critical for success and self-esteem.
Due to the nature of the behaviour disorder, it is often necessary to show a child with ADHD that certain behaviour are inappropriate or not desirable. Disciplining through shouting and taking away possessions as punishments can have both a negative effect on the child self-esteem and the intended lesson would probably not be established. With younger children, it is reported to be better to stop bad behaviour by distracting the child and diverting their attention to a more appropriate source. With older children, ignoring the child and the behaviour may prove to stop the behaviour occuring again as it did not allow the child to gain any extra attention from parents or caregivers.
Behaviour therapy encourages caregivers and teachers to support and explore enjoyable activities and any talents a child with ADHD my express. This has been shown to encourage self development, boost self-esteem and enhance social skills.