Kundalini Yoga is an ancient form of yoga that originated in India, known as the ‘Royal Yoga’ it was only taught to those once they had progressed through various other forms of yoga. It was introduced to the West by Yogi Bhajan in 1969, founder of 3HO (the Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization).
Yogi Bhajan believed that as the most powerful form of yoga, it should be given to everyone and anyone so that they are able to reap the benefits of such a power source.
Kundalini Yoga is one of the more spiritual forms of yoga, more than just physical exercises, the emphasis is on the breath, meditation and in some sets mantras and chanting accompany the positions. Some Kundalini yoga sets can be very physically demanding, as such they should be introduced by a qualified Kundalini teacher in a safe class environment.
Kundalini yoga, though known to be a power source for restoring the nervous and hormonal systems and regenerating organs within the body, it has specific yoga sets to help relax and relieve anxiety, stress and burn out. Some poses use the breath to help clarity the mind and increase productivity subsequently making it a valuable tool to be integrated into the corporate day.
The following videos provide an introduction to Kundalini yoga, they are exercises that can be practiced alone or together. As sets are practiced the duration of each one can be extended to enhance the effects on mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.