This video is a detailed description and demonstration of the ‘Tuning In’ and ‘Tuning Out’ that is ideally required to accompany each kundalini yoga class or session. The purpose of the tuning in is to ensure the right frame of mind is established in order to get the most from the yoga session.
The mantra Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo (said: omm naamo guru deeev naamo) is used, which means ‘I bow to the Creator, to the Divine Teacher within.’ Following the repetition of this three times the practitioner will then chant Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh three times, this means It means I bow to the Primal Wisdom, I bow to the Wisdom through the Ages, I bow to the True Wisdom, I bow to the great unseen Wisdom.’
The tuning out after a Kundalini class or session is equally as important, it draws to a close the yoga session, allows the practitioner to continue with their day taking with them the benefits of the yoga. To tune out the practitioner will chant Sat Nam three times; ‘Sat’ means essence or truth, ‘Nam’ means name or identity so by chanting this at the end of a kundalini yoga session it means ‘My true identity is infinity’.