Mindful Eating

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Course dates: 16/06/2012 or 26/06/2012

A diagnosis of diabetes often means drastic changes in eating habits sometimes involving weight loss, excluding particular foods and increasing intake of others. Such changes can sometimes be frustrating and feel restricting. Often diet and eating give rise to extreme stress and anxiety.

Mindfulness has been shown in a number of clinical trials to aid weight management and promote the development of a healthy lifestyle.

The course will include:

  • Individuals will be shown how their mind’s (thoughts and emotions) regard food and their diabetes as a whole is having a significant impact on their physical wellbeing and diabetes control.
  • Methods and evidence based techniques from an array of mind-body therapies including mindfulness, acceptance therapies, emotional intelligence, yoga and qi gong are encompassed in this unique integrated program.
  • Tried and tested techniques to cultivate self-awareness and self-compassion.

This integrated mindfulness based course is unlike any other mindfulness course:

  • It specifically explores the unique relationship between a person with diabetes and food.
  • Provides techniques that can be practiced and integrated at both meal times and in other parts of everyday life to help alleviate the stress and anxiety of diabetes management.
  • The establishment of self-compassion and self-awareness and an enhanced quality of life.
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