Mindfulness Courses

Mindfulness is now the treatment of choice for Depression
and relapse prevention recomended by the National Health

Mindfulness Courses provided by stressmanagement.co.uk
are intended to give each individual attending a completly
experiential understanding of what Mindfulness is,
how to integrate Mindfulness into their day to day
lives in order that stress, anxiety, anger, depression
be taken control of with a reduced necesity for prescription

Stressmanagement.co.uk is offering an array of Mindfulness
Training around the country, please take a look on
our interactive calender to see our courses
and workshops and register your details to be the first
to know about upcoming events and programs.

Mindfulness Events Calendar

Stay up-to-date with our interactive mindfulness events
calendar here on StressManagement.co.uk More events
will be added soon

Who are the courses for?

The Mindfulness courses are for anyone wishing to
experiance and learn about mindfulness from expert
facilitators who have not read about mindfulness from
a manual but rather live and breathe in the presnet
moment. The courses are for all ages and are suitable
for individuals who have had Mindfulness training before
or are complete beginners.

Who provides training

The Mindfulness courses are offered by expert therapists
and practitioners accomplished at creating a safe,
supportive and deeply engaging experiential learning
environment. Course facilitators have over 20 years
of mindfulness teaching experience, they are skilled
at engaging with each and every individual or organisation
to promote the practice of mindfulness as a tool to
cultivate health, wellbeing and general satisfaction
with life. The course is provided by mindfulness trainers
who have worked in a variety of settings including
the health service, education settings, business and
community development projects.

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Talk through your feelings with a recommended Counsellor or Therapist near you From face to face to online sessions, we’ll find you the best local professionals to help you. Whether you’re looking for help with work stress, grief or a relationship breakdown, we can connect you to a range of professionals who will listen and advise.

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