Reduction of male dominance increasing incidence of suicide

According to the results of a study commissioned by the Samaritans, men aged between 35 and 55 are at the highest risk of suicide over any other group. The research was collaborated by a group of economists, psychologists and sociologists.

The researchers reported that there have been a number of social and economic changes that have called traditional male characteristics into question. Increased prevalence of divorce, more working mothers and an economic climate that has meant the male breadwinner is no longer the norm.

This, in combination with the stereotypical male not wanting to disclose their troubles or seek help, rather, gain relief with alcohol and drugs have all lead to this group of men being most likely to commit suicide.

The research concluded that men aged between 35 and 55 were significantly more likely to take their own lives than females of the same age, and twice as likely as younger males.

One researcher reportedly commented that the figures represent the difficulty this group of males face at the point of evolution from the stern, silent traditions of their fathers who are the providers for their families and the individualistic and progressive generation of their sons.

This research has highlighted a potentially ‘at risk’ group of people, emphasising the imminent need to help such individuals in this time of evolution.

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